Langsung saja berikut Cara Install Ubuntu 14.04 dengan menggunakan Universal Usb Installer dari Windows. Yang harus di persiapkan adalah USB Flashdrive dengan kapasitas minimal 1Gb, kemudian file isonya yang bisa di download dibawah ini:

Dan Universal Usb Installernya bisa di download disini

Ok yang pertama agar ketika install secara mudah, sebelum kita install Ubuntu kita atur terlebih dahulu partisi di dalam HDD kita, Sisakan 20Gb untuk Ubuntu melalui Disk Management

Kita bisa menggunakan partisi lain selain C yang akan kita sisakan menjadi 20Gb, asal partisi tidak melebihi 3 sebelumnya. Karena akan menyebabkan Hardisk tidak dapat untuk Dual Boot.

Selanjutnya kita tancapkan Flashdisk dan jalankan UUI kemudian pilih distro yang akan kita install dimana dalam contoh Ubuntu dan pilih lokasi Flashdisknya

Setelah itu Reboot Laptop atau komputer nya kemudian atur urutan boot nya menjadi USB HDD yang teratas agar saat PC dinyalakan yang pertama kali di baca adalah USB yang berisikan Ubuntu yang telah kita buat.

Ok sekarang kita masuk ke tampilan install Ubuntu
Klik Install ubuntu untuk melanjutkan installasi

Kemudian langsung saja continue dan bila pengguna laptop terdeteksi Wirelessnya pilih saja I don't want connect.

Setelah itu untuk mengatur partisi alangkah baiknya kita gunakan Something Else saja agar lebih mengenal pemartisian Linux terutama Ubuntu

Di gambar terlihat free space dengan ukuran 20Gb yang sudah kita ambil dari partisi C diatas, kemudian klik partisi tersebut dan klik tanda "+". Kemudian buatlah swap area terlebih dulu sebagai fungsi Virtual RAM. Cukup sebesar 2Gb saja

Lakukan ulang seperti kita membuat swap pada area free space, kemudian buat lah mount point sebagai root atau dengan simbol "/" dengan format partisi sebagai Extend4 File System

Lalu atur bootloader dimana nanti akan ada tampilan untuk memilih salah satu OS yang terinstall di PC kita. Taruh saja bootloadernya pada /dev/sda yang berarti langsung ke HDD.

Pilih lokasi GMT Anda dengan cara mengklik Map atau langsung tulis kota besar yang masuk GMT

Setelah itu kita pilih jenis keyboard kita, pada umumnya di Indonesia menggunakan Keyboard berjenis English(US) jadi kita pilih English(US) tidak seperti yang di gambar.

Masukan nama identitas dan nama komputer, kemudian isi password. Password dalam Linux berperan penting saat kita hendak melakukan installasi dan ini lah senjata terkuat dimana Linux tidak ada virus.

Setelah itu tunggu saja proses installasi sampai selesai yang relatif memakan waktu yang singkat sampai akan muncul form meminta restart system.

Baik sampai sini proses installasi selesai, restart now dan kemudian Anda sudah dapat menggunakan Linux Ubuntu didalam PC Anda.

Berikut adalah tampilan dimana PC pertama kali di nyalakan atau kita biasa sebut GRUB. Dimana ada pilihan kita akan masuk kedalam Ubuntu atau Windows.

Sekian, Terimakasih sudah berkunjung..

Post a Comment Blogger

  1. ubuntu 14.04 udah lama relese ya bang, terus kayanya lebih ringan dari ubuntu 12.04 dan kebetulan saya lagi belajar ubuntu, salam kenal dan di tunggu kunjung baliknya ya bang

  2. gan, pas pe,bagian swap kok tanda "+"nya ga idup yak? ;((

    1. biasanya partisi primarynya udah lebih dari 3 tuh. coba partisi penyimpanan data ubah jadi logical dlu.


  3. ;(( gan ane instal tpi takut.bootlop

    1. kalo ikutin petunjuk dan banyak bahan bacaan pasti bisa ko. kalo nemuin error seenggaknya bakal ada nambah ilmu buat gak kena lagi :-)

  4. kalo hardisk ke format bagi pemula saat install ubuntu udah biasa ya hahaha

  5. gan, kalo starting bluetooth daemonnya fail itu gimana?
    device node and kernel event managernya juga fail

  6. gan, kalo starting bluetooth daemonnya fail itu gimana?
    device node and kernel event managernya juga fail

  7. Nice Info Gan
    Terimakasih banyak

    Blog Walking

  8. Punya saya ada videonya,
    bisa dicoba.

  9. mantap dah artikelnya

  10. salam kenal dan thanks guidance-nya bang...
    saya ada masalah pas install:
    ketika sudah reboot dgn USB, yg tampil BUKAN grafis mode tapi console, terus minta koneksi internet dan mirroring... sampai sini macet deh, please bantu solusinya ??

    terimakasiiih :)

  11. kalo mo instal drivernya gimana ya gan...

    mampir juga ya di, situs yang menyediakan fasilitas iklan produk gratis.

  12. nice info,, - obat jantung koroner

  13. Nice Info Jangan Lupa Kunjungi Blog Saya

  14. ubuntu perlu support PAE, NX, and SSE2 kayak windows 8.1 nggk ??? ... soalnya kayaknya leppy ane gk support gitu an ;-(

  15. Gan,,ane udah instal Ubuntu 14.04 LTS...
    Trus ane ga ngerti cara ngetikan perintah (command) di Terminal..
    Semua tombol keyboard ane tekan ga mau muncul tulisannya di terminal..
    Ada yg punya solusi atau ada yg tau apa masalahnya?? me!!!

  16. gan data ane kok ilang semua ya abis instal ubuntu, niatnya mau di dual boot sama windows 7 :(

  17. gan, setelah ane instal ubuntunya pas reboot layar jadi blank gan,hitam gitu ,solusinya ;-(

  18. Sip tuh infonya gan
    mampir donk :D

  19. mas gan solusinya dong, punya saya jadi muncul disk error press ctrl+alt+del to restart, tapi setelah diklik seperti perintah tetep saja muncul begitu.

    Awalnya kemarin normal, abis di bagian partition tidak mendeteksi free space, akhirnya aku klik deh tombol - dibagian partisi yang sudah aku kosongin waktu masuk windows sebesae 200GB lebih. nah setelah itu aku buat 25GB buat sistem root '/' dan 4GB buat swapnya, eh setelah selesai install kok muncul seperti kode diatas ya gan ?

    Sudah masuk grub, dan waktu milih OS windows keluar disk error press ctrl+alt+del to restart sedangkan pas milih si ubuntunya muncul pesan error yang banyak "intinya error".

    kasih solusinya dong mas ? aku tunggu jawabannya.

    1. Cek hardisk lagi Om. Janjangan ilang itu partisi kedelete semua

  20. ilmu yang sanagant bermanfaat , thankz que gan , semoga sukses

  21. punya saya berhasil seeeeep gan. thanks (k)

  22. Punya ku di menu grub nya ga ada windows 8 ,jadi pilihan cuma ada ubuntuu,gmna dong cara kembaliin,ga enak pake ubuntu

    1. Pake Boot Repair Ubuntu Om. di dokmentasi resmi dari forum ubuntunya ada ko. belum sempet post saya

  23. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  24. Kisah lucu saat saya install ubuntu tapi gak ngerti gara2 pake bahasa inggris akhirnya semua memory hardisk ludes terbakar hingga tak tersisa alias terformat ;-( (h)

    1. Nak, jika belum pernah merasakan ini Anda belum dikatakan linuxer sejati 8-)


  25. Ass. Bang, aku udah install dual boot tp kok tampilan GRUB nya pada saat pertam kali laptop nyala itu gak ada, dia otomatis langsung masuk ubuntu.. Mhon petunkuknya bang. Terima kasih. Wassalam

  26. gan klo sebaliknya kita mau install win7 di ubuntu?

  27. gan, kalau free space nya tidak kelihatan gimana?? dan hdd saya volume partisinya berbeda, mohon bantuannya terimakasih

  28. terima kasih atas tutorial nya gan, sangat membantu sekali... sukses terus!

  29. Alhamdulillah sukses kak, terimakasih tutorialnya:)

  30. mantep nih coba dlu ...
    kunbal gan

  31. Izin copy gambarnya gan buat tugas :>) Soalnya lupa ane SS pas instalasinya :-)

  32. terima kasih sangat membantu sekali untuk saya belajar dan mengerti menginstall ubuntu
    My blog

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  48. QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number is nearly extremely hard to not wander away once in a very whereas following the written account to handle the accounts. This is why intuit created QuickBooks: associate degree accounting and management code. Today, QuickBooks is considered the most used accounting and management code out there.

  49. The smart accounting software program is richly featured with productive functionalities that save time and accuracy associated with work. Since it is accounting software, every so often you've probably a query and will seek assistance. This is why why QuickBooks has opened toll free Quickbooks Support Phone Number.

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  56. QuickBooks is a well known range of many business owners because it allows to truly save much time and keep all finance-related information organized. However, QuickBooks Desktop Support Phone Number in the event that you or your accountants have not tried it before,

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  59. There might be occasions once you might face some form of delay in reaching us, let’s say during the time of filing taxes since there is a lot of hush-hush then. We assure you that individuals will revert for your requirements in less time and work out us accessible to you at QuickBook Customer Support Phone Number.

  60. QuickBooks Payroll Customer Service Number helps you to definitely resolve your entire technical and functional issues while looking after this well known extensive, premium and end-to-end business accounting and payroll management software. Our experts team at QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support is going to make you realize its advanced functions and assists anyone to lift up your business growth.

  61. QuickBook Support, there is absolutely no point in wasting your own time, getting worried for the problem you will be facing and so forth. Just call and you will get instant rest from the trouble caused by various QuickBooks errors.

  62. For such kind of information, be always in contact with us through our blogs. To locate the reliable supply of assist to create customer checklist in QB desktop, QuickBooks online and intuit online payroll? Our QuickBooks Payroll Contact Phone Number will help you better.

  63. QuickBooks, a credit card applicatoin solution that'll be developed this kind of a way that one can manage payroll, inventory, sales and each other need of small businesses. Each QuickBooks Technical Support software option

  64. Are you currently experiencing calculations in operation? QuickBooks Payroll Tech Support Phone Number could be the better option. You certainly can do WCA, PAYE, SDL along with UIF calculations. This generates annual IT3A as well as IRP5. Employees also result in the loan. How could you manage that? QuickBooks does that in ease. The application brings accumulative balance. Thus, you can comprehend the format. You're able to manage monthly submission. Annual submission is held here. This protects your cash flows in trade. You're able to manage your bank balance. Fund transfer may be accomplished. This can be accomplished with major banks of this country.

  65. “Just dial our QuickBooks Payroll Support number to inquire of about for Quickbooks Payroll customer care to get rid of payroll issues. We take advantage of startups to small-scale, medium-sized to multinational companies.”

  66. QuickBooks Customer Support Phone Number created these shortcuts and apps to try to help customers as if you (and ourselves!) navigate the messy phone menus, hold times, and confusion with customer service, especially with larger companies like WalMart or Equifax. And as long as you keep sharing it along with your friends and loved ones, we will keep doing it.

  67. Our Intuit QuickBooks Supportcan surely do wonders as well as do it each and every day when a person comes to us with their QuickBooks problems. Our QuickBooks tech support team team, especially, tackle every bugs and error of QuickBooks. Because of this, among others:

  68. Even though you are feeling that the full time is odd to call for help, just pick up your phone and dial us at QuickBooks Support Phone Number because we offer our support services 24*7. We genuinely believe that the show must go ahead and thus time seriously isn't an issue for all of us because problems try not to come with any pre-announcements.

  69. Therefore, Intuit QuickBooks Support is present for users around the globe although the best tool to produce creative and innovative features for business account management to small and medium-sized business organizations.


  70. If this does not allow you to, go on and connect to us at QuickBooks Support Phone Number. Most of us works 24*7 and serve its customers with excellent service whenever they contact us. Regardless of what issue is and however complex it truly is, we assure you that people provides you with optimal solution as soon as possible.

  71. QuickBooks software helps the businesses to run smoothly either small size business or mid size businesses. QuickBooks also helps you with your confusions by just contacting our QuickBooks Enterprise Support Number +1-833-400-1001.This software provides you the best possible assistance and keeps you updated about each and every details about your business. Further we are available 24/7 for your help for any kind of assistance you just need to contact our QuickBooks Enterprise Support +1-833-400-1001. QuickBooks regularly updates itself according to the requirements of the users and we are always ready to add more features to help you in more and more convenient ways so that you can run your business smoothly and grow your business . This is our basic and most important concern about the QuickBooks users , help the QuickBooks users and create a healthy environment for them to run and grow their business smoothly . In any case you need our help you are welcome to contact our QuickBooks team by calling us on QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number +1-833-400-1001.We are at your service 24/7 feel free to contact us regarding any issue regarding QuickBooks.

  72. Hope now you recognize that how to relate with QuickBooks Enterprise Support Phone Number and QuickBooks enterprise customer support contact number. We've been independent alternative party support company for intuit QuickBooks, we do not have almost any link with direct QuickBooks, the employment of name Images and logos on website only for reference purposes only.

  73. QuickBooks is available for users around the world since the best tool to supply creative and innovative features for business account management to small and medium-sized business organizations. If you’re encountering any kind of QuickBooks’ related problem, you may get all of that problems solved simply by with the QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number.

  74. QuickBooks (QB) is an accounting software manufactured by Intuit for small and medium-size businesses. With this specific software, it is possible to track your online business income and expenses, import and enter all bank transactions, track payments, sales, and inventory, prepare payrolls, store your prospects’ and vendors’ information plus much more. Easily dial our QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number and obtain related to our wonderful technical team.

  75. It helps you to make complex reports quite easily. You can make reports for different purposes such as manufacturing, wholesale, retail, and contractor in a customized way. Managing the complex inventory system is easier now with advanced inventory management. Efficiency increases for inventory based business growth. Just dial our QuickBooks Enterprise Tech Support Number to contact QuickBooks enterprise help team anytime & anywhere.

  76. Concerning easy, could you start supposing like not enough usefulness and flexibility yet this will be to ensure that QuickBooks Premier Support Phone Number has emphasize wealthy accounting programming? Thus, this item package can without much stretch handle the demands of growing associations.

  77. Although, QuickBooks is a robust accounting platform that throws less errors as compared to others. Sometimes you might face technical errors in the software while installation or upgrade related process. To get the errors resolved by professionals, give us a call at QuickBooks Support Phone Number. The QuickBooks support phone number is toll-free and the professional technicians handling your support call can come up with an immediate solution that can permanently solve the glitches.

  78. Entering your details every time you make any transaction takes your time as well as opens windows of committing mistake specially when you're in hurry and thus this unique property of QuickBooks Support Phone Number helps in making your work easy.

  79. Basically, every businessman really wants to maintain your records safe. QuickBooks Payroll Support provides ways to create your employees pay during the time required to pay.

  80. QuickBooks is amongst the most sought-after financial accounting software in the marketplace. Because of its great number of features, it has become extremely popular among its users. However, it may from time to time be suffering from certain technical hindrances. You may also contact our QuickBooks Tech Support Phone Number team using QuickBooks Support number.

  81. We shall assist you to streamline and simplify the accounting, reporting and tracking in order for managing your company’s finances could be less difficult. Also, we guarantee to steadfastly keep up anonymity and advanced level of security while handling issues pertaining to QB software use. Our QuickBooks customer support is available to you whenever you want. Get in touch with us by utilizing an unknown number or email indicated on the QuickBooks Support Phone Number site. We will be pleased to assist you with any question about QuickBooks you might have.

  82. Take delight in with an array of outshined customer service services for QuickBooks via QuickBooks Support Phone Number whenever you want and from anywhere. It signifies you could access our tech support for QuickBooks at any time. Our backing team is dedicated enough to bestow you with end-to-end QuickBooks solutions once you want to procure them for each and every QuickBooks query.

  83. Hello, I loved the content of your blog. Your blog is so inspiring and knowledgeable. I am using QuickBooks as my accounting software and would recommend you too. It provides innovative solutions for personal and business accounting. You can also clear your queries on tollfree QuickBooks Technical Support Phone Number +1-888-238-7409. Visit us: -

  84. QuickBooks is a massive software that comprise of many features and versions. Yet, it is challenged by a few errors like QuickBooks Error Code (-12 0). This error is easily resolved by the team at +1 800-674-9538 where experts furnish you with the best solutions. For More Visit:

  85. While using QuickBooks you can easily come across with error 3371. This error generally occurs when QuickBooks face difficulty in opening data. To get step-by-step solution for QuickBooks Error 3371, call us on our QuickBooks error support number +18006749538. It's compulsory to store licence information in the hard drive to use QuickBooks. If by any chance you have lost that file or file got corrupted, you will receive error by the name QuickBooks Error 3371. For More Visit:

  86. Hey! What a remarkable blog. I really like your work, since it has all the properties of a good blog. Keep writing such a blog. QuickBooks is easy to use and highly customizable accounting software. You can easily install this software. You can even get instant help at QuickBooks Error Support Phone Number +1-888-238-7409. Visit us: -

  87. Hey, this is the sort of blog I had been longing to read. I am happy I landed over here and got it. Keep the hobby of posting such blogs consistently. For considerable assistance in business, use the QuickBooks software. Get to know about it at QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-844-235-3996.

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  90. That’s another amazing post on your page. All the tips which you have mentioned are helpful while doing the activities. I agree with you, because of the hectic schedule it takes a lot of time in completing one blog. You can manage your time by downloading QuickBooks. You can take help from our experts on QuickBooks Payroll Support Phone Number +1 833-228-2822.
    Read More: QuickBooks Common Errors and Its Solutions


  92. Avail incredible support service at our QuickBooks Support Phone Number 1-833-441-8848. Using this vast and efficient software sometimes can prove to be hectic and confusing. This accounting software is vulnerable to several technical bugs and errors.

  93. Furthermore, it helps by allowing you to create scheduled emails with all the reports within the respective group. With that said, however, you can easily only add reports to a bunch if you use Quickbooks Online Essentials or Plus. If you want to Resolve QuickBooks Error 9999 then you may contact our ProAdvisors.

  94. There may be instances of files deletion or new files appearing. Though this symptom is largely due to virus infection, it can be attributed as a symptom for runtime error, as virus infection is one of the causes for runtime error. If you would like to learn how to Resolve Quickbooks Error 9999, you can continue reading this blog.

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  97. QuickBooks bookkeeping programming has earned colossal consideration from little and medium entrepreneurs across the world because of its huge number of provisions. Nonetheless, in a few cases, Quickbooks won't open when a client click on QB symbol or organization document on the work area and doesn't react.

